Testosterone Junkie (the site)

This site was created for the purposes of having a comprehensive database of information for those who ae curious about what it means to be a female to male transgender.  The information on this site is tailored to those considering transition or beginning their transition.  Family, friends, co-workers, and others can benefit from the information on this site by learning what to expect and appropriate ways to behave towards someone transitioning.

It is the hope of Testosterone Junkie that through education, a better understanding of transgender individuals can be gained.  It is hoped that this will lead to a better quality of life for transgender individuals in the areas of laws, family life, friendships, the workplace, and in the healthcare system.  Testosterone Junkie also hopes that through product reviews, better products can be made for female to male transgenders.

The final platform of Testosterone Junkie is to serve as a research portal for those conducting surveys to find an audience to poll.  Please contact Testosterone Junkie if you would like to post your survey opportunity.

Testosterone Junkie has provided the work  on this site free of charge and with no financial support (as of this writing).  If you have found this information useful and/or have used the information on this site to better your life or to ease your transition, please consider contacting Testosterone Junkie to make a donation.

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